Digital Signature Surfaces for SAP

Upgrade to signing on a Digital Signature Surface and save space and lots of time searching for the right documents, and upload all your digitally signed documents straight to SAP.

This Module is good for organizations that :

  • Create a large number of documents that are signed by clients
  • Want to eliminate printing costs as well as scanning and archiving costs
  • Want to save time getting clients to sign documents
  • Want their paperwork to be completed quickly and accurately
  • Want to limit their risk of lawsuits
  • E.g., banks, hospitals, government offices, car dealerships, hotel and hostel organizations, insurance dealers, service providers, rental companies, or any other company that works primarily with large amounts of people

VPSign Digital Signature Surfaces for SAP

Smadar is a unique program that enables turning any documents (invoices, shipping certificates, etc.) that are signed by clients into digital files that are available at the click of a button.

In addition, the program will ensure that all documents needing collection will indeed be archived with none missing!

The documents will be quickly scanned and properly archived within a computerized database.

It is possible to digitally sign the documents, letting you get rid of those bulky physical archives for good! (Digitally signed documents are approved by the courts, IRS, etc.)

Using Digital Signature

Portable Digital Signing Surfaces - Tablets and Smartphones

Instead of printing the shipping certificate, then returning it to the client after the signature, risking mistakes or loss of the document, and finally filing it in the right place – the mobile Digital Signature device enables you to sign anything with the client and file the document in the right place directly and automatically with SAP. No need to print or file! The Dispatcher uploads to each device all the deliveries that they will make that day. The physical shipping certificate is delivered to the client and the copy is signed on the smartphone or tablet directly.

The signed document is automatically filed in SAP!